As an added bonus, the app includes the music video for each of the songs provided with the app. But all of the most popular genres are still represented, including pop, rap, jazz, and metal. One aspect of Zing Mp3 that is very important to keep in mind is that this app was created by a Vietnamese company, so the vast majority of the songs included are Vietnamese. Whichever option you choose, you are sure to appreciate the features included in this app. You can either download music from the app and store the files on your device or stream the music and enjoy it in real time. The Zing Mp3 app gives Android users two options when it comes to listening to music on your tablets or smartphones. Whether you enjoy rock, jazz, pop, or metal, this app will provide you with the ability to listen to the music you love any time you want. Zing Mp3 is an app that lets music lovers enjoy all their favorite tunes in a couple of different ways.